miércoles, 10 de julio de 2013

Cremalleras ::: Zippers

Dicen que la diferencia entre el nivel principiante y el intermedio en costura es saber coser una cremallera. Tras el curso de costura del College de Nantwich el objetivo está conseguido, aunque yo me sigo considerando novata.

They say the difference between the beginner and intermediate level in sewing is knowing how to sew a zipper. After the sewing course at Nantwich College the goal is achieved, although I still consider myself a beginner.

Son dos estuches, Mariano ha hecho el rosa con la cremallera exterior y yo el verde. La cremallera exterior la compré en Etsy aquí. Los dos van forrados con telas coordinadas y tengo que admitir que le ha quedado mejor que a mí.

Hasta pronto

They are two pencil cases, Mariano has made the pink one with the outer zipper and I made the green one. I bought the zippers on Etsy here. Both cases are lined with coordinated fabrics and I have to admit that he has been better than me.

See you soon

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